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Bharatesh S K, Shrinivas Y Phytochemical,Chemotherapeutic Evaluation of Stem and Leaves of Abutilon indicum. Planta activa vol 2020(3):1-4. |
2020 |
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B S Kittur, Shreenivas R Deshpande, Prashant SMunnoli,
Y. Shreenivas, Bhumika B Kittur. Synthesis, Evaluation of Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activity of Few Coumarin Based 2,5-Disubstituted 1,3,4-Oxadiazolines. Inventi Rapid: Med Chem, 2020 (4): 1-5
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Bharatesh S K, Shrinivas Y Phytochemical, Anticancer, Antitubercular and Antibacterial Activity for Different Extracts of Stem and Leaves of Rauvolfia tetraphylla.Planta activa vol 2020(3):1-4 |
2020 |
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B S Kittur, Sadananda N Masuti,
Shreenivas R Deshpande, Bhumika B Kittur Sharanabasava B. Biradar, Y Shreenivas, Guruprasad S. Synthesis, Investigation of Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of Certain 2,4-Diaryl Substituted Benzodiazepine and Benzothiazepines Derived from Vanillin. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020:10(04);7-16
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Srinivas.Y, Poornima H. Phytochemical and in vitro anticancer activity of Cassia glauca leaves extract.International Journal of Green Pharmacy.13(4)354-8. 10.22377/ijgp.v13,04.2707 |
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2018 |
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B.S.Kittur, Y.Srinivas and Surekha R. Deshpande. Evaluation of Leaf and Stem Extracts from Cassia glauca L for Antimicrobial Activity”. International Journal ofPure and Applied Zoology, 3(1): 98-102, 2015 |
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Nirogi R, Bhyrapuneni G, Kandikere V, Benade V, Muddana N, Saralaya R, Irappanavar S, Ponnamaneni R, Mukkanti K. Concurrent administration of atypical antipsychotics and donepezil: drug interaction study in rats. Eur J Drug MetabPharmacokinet, 37, 2012, :155–161, 10.1007/s13318-012-0081-1 |
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B.S.Kittur, B.S. Sastry, Y.Rajendraprasad, S.R. Pattan, Y.Srinivas Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel Phenylthiazole Derivatives as Possible Antimicrobial Agents, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. Vol.45(2), Apr-Jun, 2011, 157-163. |
2011 |
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Y.Srinivas, V.M.Chandrashekhar, I.S.Muchachandi. B.S.Kittur,“Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ficus Glomerata Roxb Latex Against Carrageenan Induced Rat Paw Edema in Rats. Pharmacologyonline,2:963-966(2009). |
2009 |
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