Recognized by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka


Recognized by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka

Department Of Pharmacognosy


Sl No. Title Year
1 Bharatesh S K, Shrinivas Y Phytochemical,Chemotherapeutic Evaluation of Stem and Leaves of Abutilon indicum. Planta activa vol 2020(3):1-4. 2020
2 B S Kittur, Shreenivas R Deshpande, Prashant SMunnoli, Y. Shreenivas, Bhumika B Kittur. Synthesis, Evaluation of Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activity of Few Coumarin Based 2,5-Disubstituted 1,3,4-Oxadiazolines. Inventi Rapid: Med Chem, 2020 (4): 1-5 2020
3 Bharatesh S K, Shrinivas Y Phytochemical, Anticancer, Antitubercular and Antibacterial Activity for Different Extracts of Stem and Leaves of Rauvolfia tetraphylla.Planta activa vol 2020(3):1-4 2020
4 B S Kittur, Sadananda N Masuti, Shreenivas R Deshpande, Bhumika B Kittur Sharanabasava B. Biradar, Y Shreenivas, Guruprasad S. Synthesis, Investigation of Anticancer and Antioxidant Activity of Certain 2,4-Diaryl Substituted Benzodiazepine and Benzothiazepines Derived from Vanillin. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020:10(04);7-16 2020
5 Srinivas.Y, Poornima H. Phytochemical and in vitro anticancer activity of Cassia glauca leaves extract.International Journal of Green Pharmacy.13(4)354-8. 10.22377/ijgp.v13,04.2707 2019
6 Poornima CH, KP Manjunath,GS Hiremath, Mallappa Shalavadi. Adaptogenic activity of Phyllanthus niruri Linn on Swim Endurance and Cold Stress animal model, Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2018
7 B.S.Kittur, Y.Srinivas and Surekha R. Deshpande. Evaluation of Leaf and Stem Extracts from Cassia glauca L for Antimicrobial Activity”. International Journal ofPure and Applied Zoology, 3(1): 98-102, 2015 2015
8 Abraham R1, Nirogi R, Shinde A, Irupannanavar S. Low-dose prazosin in combination with 5-HT6 antagonist PRX-07034 has antipsychotic effects. Can J Physiol Pharmacol,93(1), 2015:13-DOI: 21.10.1139/cjpp-2014-0254. 2015
9 Hiremath G. S, Padmanabhareddy Y, Hosamath P.C. Nephroprotective Activity of Cardiospermum helicacabum linn against CCl4 induced Nephrotoxicity. Pharm Tech Media.2012; 1(5) 2012
10 Nirogi R, Kandikere V, Bhyrapuneni G, Benade V, Saralaya R, Irappanavar S, Muddana N, Ajjala DR. J Neurosci Methods.209(2), 2012:379-87.10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.06.010 2012
11 Hiremath G. S, Padmanabhareddy Y, Hosamath P.C. Hepatoprotective activity of Cardiospermum helicacabum linn against CCl4 induced Hepatotoxicity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2012; 4(2). 2012
12 Nirogi R, Abraham R, Jayarajan P, Medapati RB, Shanmuganathan D, Kandikere V, Irappanavar S, Saralaya R, Benade V, Bhyrapuneni G, Muddana. Brain Res. 1453, 2012:40-5. 10.1016/j.brainres.2012.03.013 2012
13 Nirogi R, Bhyrapuneni G, Kandikere V, Benade V, Muddana N, Saralaya R, Irappanavar S, Ponnamaneni R, Mukkanti K. Concurrent administration of atypical antipsychotics and donepezil: drug interaction study in rats. Eur J Drug MetabPharmacokinet, 37, 2012, :155–161, 10.1007/s13318-012-0081-1 2012
14 B.S.Kittur, B.S. Sastry, Y.Rajendraprasad, S.R. Pattan, Y.Srinivas Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel Phenylthiazole Derivatives as Possible Antimicrobial Agents, Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. Vol.45(2), Apr-Jun, 2011, 157-163. 2011
15 Y.Srinivas, V.M.Chandrashekhar, I.S.Muchachandi. B.S.Kittur,“Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ficus Glomerata Roxb Latex Against Carrageenan Induced Rat Paw Edema in Rats. Pharmacologyonline,2:963-966(2009). 2009
16 Y.Srinivas, B.S.Kittur, V.M.Chandrashekhar, I.S.Muchachandi. Evaluation of a few Medicinal Plants for Antifungal Activity, Pharmacologyonline,3:782-785 (2009) 2009
17 U.Srinivasa, J.Venkatashwara Rao, A.M. Krupanidhi, Y.Srinivas. Anthelmintic Activity of leaves of Clerodendram Phlomidis. Indian J. Nat.rod, 2006, 22(4), 28 2006